* Transcript: "Meenah vs Vriska (also featuring: um, most everybody else)" * Permalink: http://readmspa.org/transcripts/6_007327.txt * Pretty HTML version: http://readmspa.org/transcripts/6_007327 ♓ ♏ STRIFE! MEENAH: H-EY YOU! serket lookin girl MEENAH: wanna join my army VRISKA: Oh, I see. It's the Peixes wanna8e. So you're the one raising this army. That's hilarious. VRISKA: Sorry, I can't join your dum8 army. I'm 8usy pursuing a much more intelligent strategy. MEENAH: who da fuck you callin a wannabe?? lousy pants wearin smart mouth aranea ripoff MEENAH: now get in my army fore i poke you up beeyotch VRISKA: Not gonna happen!!!!!!!! I am however looking for a large num8er of recruits to follow me on my treasure hunting expedition. MEENAH: wut VRISKA: I need an enormous mo8 of ghosts following me around to get that asshole's attention, so he can wreck more empty space and help me find the treasure! You want in? MEENAH: that makes no fuckin sense at all MEENAH: anemoneway i dont recall giving anyone clearance for a whalenormous treasure hunt MEENAH: as the rightful heiress that sorta noise has to go through me yo!!! VRISKA: Haha! Wow, I had no idea the Peixes twin was such a riot! At least, I HOPE you were trying to 8e funny with that remark. * whistles VRISKA: John! Tavros! Stop goofing off over there and come get a load of this chick!!!!!!!! * whistles TAVROS: uHH, WHAT? wHAT AM i ACTUALLY GETTING A LOAD OF, JOHN: oh, it's you! i remember you. MEENAH: ITS BLU-E BOY!!! hahaha i forgot about this dumb nerd JOHN: hey... what are you doing with that... JOHN: no, please put the pokey thing down! MEENAH: H-EY BLU-E BOY!!! CATC)(!!!!!! JOHN: AUGH, NOT AGAIN!!! TAVROS: oH, yES, eHEHEHEHEHEH, VRISKA: Oh no. You did NOT just fork-vanish my alt universe ex 8oyfriend. No you DIDN'T!!!!!!!! MEENAH: guess you could say i made him MEENAH: disaSP-EAR 38) VRISKA: Who do you think you are? Some sort of 8ad girl? Please, that's o8viously my turf. VRISKA: 8ut you clearly want to rum8le, so who am I to deny you the 8eatdown you're angling for? MEENAH: angling?? hey stick to spider puns or whatever if youre gonna talk smack MEENAH: FIS)( PUNS AR-E MY TURF!!! MEENAH: or i guess i mean... surf 38? VRISKA: Yeah, uh, I don't really DO puns? Mainly 8ecause I'm not a lame wiggler. VRISKA: Anyway you sure like to wave that trident around while running your mouth. I wonder if you had any intention of engaging in any actual com8at? VRISKA: Guess it's up to me to get this party started, as usual. Watch and learn!!!!!!!! MEENAH: aw man is this what were doin now MEENAH: changin into our bullshit god rags? VRISKA: Your move, punk! :::;) MEENAH: but these jams are so ugly MEENAH: bleh fine here goes nofin MEENAH: -E-E-E-E-E------EUUUG)( MEENAH: i look like hell... all beige and shit MEENAH: how can you even stand these grody ass thief duds VRISKA: Wow, unreal. What a prima donna! Tavros, can you believe this girl? VRISKA: Hey, what are you doing? Stop fidgeting around? Are you looking for something? TAVROS: (mUst fIND, my pReciOUs,,,) MEENAH: i was thinkin of modding ma peejays to look a little snazzier MEENAH: water you think of... MEENAH: this? VRISKA: Uh........ MEENAH: or this? or maybe... VRISKA: ::::| MEENAH: wait how bout... MEENAH: yea??? VRISKA: ???????? VRISKA: Oh my god. Will you stop???????? VRISKA: You don't like your gear, just do what I do. Take it to the next level! Check it. MEENAH: da fuuuuck MEENAH: come on girl i aint got no dice or fancy pirate threads this is like my top shellf battle mode here * whistles MEENAH: but i CAN call for backup MEENAH: my homies can teach you to show your royalty a lil respect * whistles ARANEA: Hey, what's going on here?! Meenah, are you fighting with my dancestor? This is so counterproductive! MEENAH: original recipe serket. quit yer glubbin and go god tier already theres a rumble goin down in the hood ARANEA: Oh, fine. 8ut I'm not participating in this fight!!!!!!!! VRISKA: Hey there, dorky teen Marquise! Nice of you to join us. VRISKA: Your friend seems to think she's the only one who can call for 8ackup. VRISKA: As if I don't have god tier pals w8ting in the wings too! * whistles * whistles ARADIA: huh? what is happening here... wait ARADIA: is this a party? oh goodness i think it is OuO ARADIA: this is like a fun costume party for ghosts isnt it! whats the occasion? VRISKA: Nothing, Megido. Just a run of the mill afterlife smackdown. You're on my team. ARADIA: oh but im not doing any fighting ARANEA: Neither am I! VRISKA: God dammit, Aradia. MEENAH: scrod clammit aranea MEENAH: aight we need some non pacifisht chumps on the scene pronto MEENAH: E-Y ANYON-E IN TH-E G)(OST VICINITY G-ET Y-ER TAIL OV-ER )(-ER-E S)(IT IS GOING DOWN * whistles VRISKA: YEAH!!!!!!!! * whistles LATULA: wooooo, 4w y34h grlz, h34rd you w3r3 st4rt1ng 4 p4rty ov3r h3r3??? >XD MEENAH: no its not a party its... KANKRI: Hm. I see s9me9ne has ch9sen t9 dress as a pirate f9r this party, in spite 9f the negative ass9ciati9ns that the 9ld marauding classes have with vi9lent a6use, 9ppressi9n, n9t even t9 mention MEENAH: ARRRRRGH DUD-E GTFO LATULA: yo porr1m! n1c3 costum3! w4y to ch4ng3 1nto someth1ng on such short not1ce. H1 F1V3!!!! PORRIM: What? No+, this isn't a co+stume. It's just what I was wearing. I came o+ver here to+ see what all the co+mmo+ti+n was about. LATULA: d4mn grl you just look1ng f1n3 for th3 h3ll of 1t th3n! GRL POW3R!!! PORRIM: Uh... sure. So+ this is a party? So+unds like fun! MEENAH: no its not a party gfd 38( bot!ARADIA: lets annihilate them bot!ARADIA: yes lets. i am in the m00d t0 ruin s0meb0dy VRISKA: Right on! I knew I could count on you crazy metal 8roads for some mayhem. SOLLUX: hey aradia, uh... y0ur rob0 clones l0ok like they're ab0ut to flip the fuck 0ut. they're making me nervous, eheheh. can you try talking s0me sense into them? ARADIA: sorry sollux my robotic duplicates have always been free agents totally exempt from my influence and better judgement ARADIA: equius do you think you can calm them down? EQUIUS: D --> They are pernickety devices EQUIUS: D --> Often sweat seeps into their circuitry and causes them to behave more erratically EQUIUS: D --> Which unfortunately only causes me to sweat even more profusely, I am afraid ARADIA: equius weve never talked about it but im not sure how comfortable i am with you um... courting such a great plurality of my mechanical doubles EQUIUS: D --> On a scale of 1 to 100, how depraved would you say you find my behavior? EQUIUS: D --> (please be 100, please be 100...) ARADIA: i never should have kissed you that time it was such a mistake :( EQUIUS: D --> (I NEED A TOWEL) EQUIUS: D --> (A NEW ONE I MEAN) MITUNA: HA7H 4NYW0NG 533N MY H4ML37 KURLOZ: :o) MITUNA: 000H WH04 N1C3 C057UM3 8UDDY KURLOZ: :o) CRONUS: (be quiet. by saying anything youre really making a horrible impression on people we should be trying to impress here.) MITUNA: 1M 50RRY CRONUS: (ill forgivwe you, but this is the last time i evwer do. im at my vwits end with you.) MITUNA: 1M 50RRY PL3453 PL3453 F04G1V3 M3 4G4IN FEFERI: GLUB! (whoops, i mean glub. oh gosh, it's my ancestor!) FEFERI: (i'm so nervous, i can't let her notice me. she's so unbubbleivably cool! *swoonami*) MEENAH: (ah snap its my ancestor. wish i didnt notice her) MEENAH: (must... suppress... urge... to murder her for royal supremacy omg) MEULIN: (^·ω·^) < 333333333!!!!!!!!! NEPETA: :33 < 333333333!!!!!!!!! MEULIN: (^·o·^)/ < 333333333!!!!!!!!! NEPETA: :33 < 333333333!!!!!!!!! MEULIN: (=^ω^=) < 333333333!!!!!!!!! ERIDAN: wwhoa man could you maybe stop bumpin me wwith your codpiece CRONUS: sorry chief, honest misake. so are you doing anything later? ERIDAN: wwait are you actually seriously hittin on me ERIDAN: wwoww dude evven i think youre trash CRONUS: im a cool enough cat if you get to know me. you didnt ansvwer the question. ERIDAN: sigh fine lets go out on a date i guess. flippin amazin this tragic scenarios wwhat i been reduced to MEENAH: H-EY! everyone stay on the right goddamn sides. cronus im lookin at you VRISKA: Yeah! Nepeta, 8ack in line. You people need to start taking this 8rawl more seriously. robohorse!RUFIOH: yo my gangstas! d1d 1 hear you were go1ng off to f1ght a ghost k1ll1ng demon... robohorse!RUFIOH: m1nd 1f 1 tag along... 1've been hop1ng for a chance to put an end to my cruel joke of an ex1stence... haha... bangarang. VRISKA: Hell yes! On this team I have a MAJOR need for expenda8le people. MEULIN: (^·o·^) HORSEBODY!RUFIOH, DON'T BE SUCH A DOWNER! DIDN'T YOU GET THE MEOWMO? THIS IS NOT A CATFIGHT, IT'S A COSTUME PURRTY!!! MEENAH: no no it really is a catfight. or i mean a regular fight... urrgh KANKRI: Meulin, it w9uld 6e great if y9u didn't use this party as a platf9rm t9 engage in suicide shaming. I think Rufi9h is triggered en9ugh as it is having t9 live with the hein9us 69dy 9f a metal h9rse. DAMARA: これは何? ハロウィーンの乱交? [What is this? A Halloween orgy?] VRISKA: Are you fuckers deaf???????? This 8n't a party! MEULIN: (^._.^) ... PORRIM: Ho+rrus, yo+ur o+utfit lo+o+ks nice, but so+rry to+ say it was a false alarm. It's no+t a co+ stume party. HORUSS: 8=D < This isn't a costume. I am literally a majestic stallion, and my appearance refle% this noble reality. PORRIM: Ah. Go+tcha. Hey guys, can I be o+n the o+ther team? KANAYA: Yes! MEENAH: no!!!!!!!!!! KARKAT: THIS GATHERING HAS COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY MY ABILITY TO TOLERATE STUPIDITY AND AWFULNESS. GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE. KARKAT: GOD DAMN IT. THE CROWD IS GETTING TOO THICK, I CAN'T EVEN GET AWAY FROM THIS SHIT. EVERYBODY FUCKING MOVE!!! TAVROS: eXCUSE ME, oTHER PEOPLE, TAVROS: wHO ARE ME, aND OTHERWISE, GAMZEE: honk. TAVROS: hAVE YOU SEEN, a BEAUTIFUL TREASURE ON THE FLOOR, TAVROS: tHAT IS MORE SPECIFICALLY A RING, TEREZI: K4RK4T, SHUT UP, TH1S 1S GR34T! TEREZI: W3 N33D TO G3T MOR3 P3OPL3 J4MM3D 1NTO TH1S SW33T F1GHTP4RTY M4SQU3R4D3! >:] * whistles * whistles some!PORRIM: I saw the cro+wd fro+m way o+ver there. Acco+rding to+ peo+ple o+ut o+n the cusp, this is so+me so+rt o+f co+stume party? some!LATULA: tru f4ctz grl!!! just j4m yours3lf 1n th3 p1l3, l1k3z th1s!!! MEENAH: ah fuck are people way over there still callin this a party bot!ARADIA: destr0y some!MITUNA: S0M30N3 15 70U5H1NG M3. 7H15 N33D5 70 570P some!DAMARA: 誰かが私に触れている。続けてください。[Someone is touching me. Please continue.] some!KANKRI: S9ME9NE IS TRIGGERING ME. THIS NEEDS TO BE TAGGED. some!PORRIM: Sho+o+sh! some!MITUNA: 1M 50RRY some!KARKAT: OH GOD, I CAN HEAR HIM WHINING FROM ALL THE WAY OVER THERE. some!KANAYA: Someone Over There Is Probably Making The Same Observation About You some!KARKAT: YEAH, AND YOUR ANCESTOR IS PROBABLY CHIDING HIM MATERNALLY OVER THERE, JUST LIKE YOU ARE WITH ME. EVER THINK ABOUT THAT?? some!KANAYA: I'm Sorry bot!ARADIA: kill TAVROS: (wherE, OH, wHERe,) some!SOLLUX: ehehehehe, thii2 party ii2 a fuckiing JOKE. MEENAH: no its a shitty battle royale pass it on you dirtscrapin sack of honey dijon rubbish some!SOLLUX: niice dress, fiin face, olol. TAVROS: (iS, my prEciOUs,) VRISKA: Tavros, stop crawling around under everyone's feet! You're 8eing so weird. some!TEREZI: Y34H, W3 C4N 4LL H34R YOU WH1SP3R1NG TO YOURS3LF. PR3TTY W31RD, BRO. >:\ TAVROS: (none of Them, can uNderstAnd,) bot!ARADIA: destr0y RUFIOH: haha, yo 1 th1nk 1 hear my young ancestor wh1sper1ng from all the way over here... about someth1ng prec1ous... sh*t 1s crazy! TAVROS: (tHe beAUTY, of my PrEcious,) HORUSS: 8=D < It reminds me of when I was similarly sm*tten, and searched everywhere for the perfect snout ring for you, to FORTIFY our commitment. Do you remember, Rufioh? RUFIOH: whoa, yeah! heh, those were the days... (hey doll, m1nd 1f we talk a b1t? 1 ma1nly want to look d1stracted... so the guy w1th the ponyta1l leaves me alone... you d1g?) bot!ARADIA: death t0 all RUFIOH: ahaha... d*mn. so much l1ke the real th1ng 1t's... freaky }:o bot!ARADIA: like what real thing RUFIOH: uh... you know, l1ke... bot!ARADIA: if y0u say like alive aradia i will make y0u BEG f0r a h0rse b0dy RUFIOH: no no, l1ke someone else!!! d*mn... uncanny... bot!ARADIA: 0h 0k RUFIOH: hey, you're pretty cool babe... want to... like... if you aren't doing anything... EQUIUS: D --> E%cuse me, what is going on over here RUFIOH: (man... not another zahnak! haha, this is f***in crazy...) bot!ARADIA: this guy with the m0hawk was flirting with me and i was being fully receptive to his advances RUFIOH: whoa you were? EQUIUS: D --> I see. Aradiabot #100502, why must you devastate my pump biscuit so? NEPETA: :33 < *the pouncellor astutely pawbserves the exchange and updates her shipping grid with startling developments of the heart!* EQUIUS: D --> Nepeta, stop! NEPETA: :33 < no! EQUIUS: D --> Yes NEPETA: :33 < no EQUIUS: D --> Yes NEPETA: :33 < no GAMZEE: HONK some!TEREZI: MOR3!!! MOR3 1 S4Y!!! 4444H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4!!!!!!! * whistles * whistles TAVROS: (I FOUND IT!!!) (THE RING!!!) some!MEULIN: ~(=^··^) < WOW. THAT WHISPER WAS SO LOUD, I THINK EVEN I HEARD IT??? TAVROS: (nO, waIt, this iSn't IT,) some!CRONUS: hey there sport, i think that's my ring you havwe there. ivwe been looking all over for it. TAVROS: oH, oKAY, hERE YOU GO, some!CRONUS: thank you, friend. thank you so, vwery, vwery, vwery much. TAVROS: oH, wOW,,, tHIS HUG IS LASTING, wAAAAAY TOO LONG, VRISKA: Hey, sketchier Ampora! If you touch him again, I will fucking kill you! ERIDAN: owwned KARKATs: I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE AFTERLIFE I HATE THE MEENAH: serket deuce is this bullcarp as aggravatin to you as it is to me VRISKA: At least as much. Probably a lot more. MEENAH: like seariously its so crowded now our faces are literally touching MEENAH: dat cant be right VRISKA: I know. It's getting pretty awkward. MEENAH: lets back these asshats up and get on with our fight VRISKA: Agreed. ARANEA: Listen to me, 8oth of you! This duel is incredi8ly pointless! Surely there is a way for you 8oth to pursue your o8jectives without conflict. ARANEA: In any case, I don't have time to moderate your ridiculous fight. I have a cheru8 to find!!!!!!!! VRISKA: I couldn't agree more! Making him think we're all looking for the cheru8 is a very important part of the plan! I guess gr8 minds think alike. ARANEA: No, 8ut I REALLY AM looking for her! VRISKA: All the 8etter then. That'll really help sell the ruse. ARANEA: It's not a ruse!!!!!!!! MEENAH: classic flavor serket is right tho we are sorta wastin time here MEENAH: lets hurry this up and make it simple MEENAH: if i win then all these dorkwads join my army including you MEENAH: if you win you get all the spoils and go hunt for the treasure ARANEA: And if luck should conspire to make it a draw? ::::) MEENAH: i dunno man MEENAH: then i guess we combine all our plans into one huge clusterfuck plan??? MEENAH: like this whole thing aint one big clusterfuck already VRISKA: I will agree to those terms. This is going to be almost too easy. MEENAH: serket the sequel shut your cocky mouth and fight me CALLIE: stop, yoU gUys! * Sources: * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=007327 - [S][A6I3] MINISTRIFE!!! * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/storyfiles/hs2/05424/05424.swf * Generated by scripts and humans - corrections welcome! * http://readmspa.org/transcripts