* Transcript: "Terezi and Vriska's scratched conversation" * Permalink: http://readmspa.org/transcripts/6_005660.txt * Pretty HTML version: http://readmspa.org/transcripts/6_005660 * Derived in part from this transcript [http://pastebin.com/CVr0shuP] Objection! DEAD! motherfucking JURY VRISKA: Hey Redglare. Nice outfit! TEREZI: S4M3 TO YOU M1NDF4... TEREZI: 1 M34N VR1SK4 TEREZI: 4S MUCH 4S 1T P41NS M3 TO 4DM1T, YOUR FRU1TY OR4NG3 F41RYSU1T SM3LLS... TEREZI: D3L1C1OUS >:[ VRISKA: Thanks! I see you finally wised up and started taking this rivalry seriously. VRISKA: It was hard to antagonize you properly while you refused to get in character! :::;) TEREZI: 1 4M NOT 1N CH4R4CT3R!!! >:O TEREZI: TH1S 1S S3R1OUS BUS1N3SS, VR1SK4 TEREZI: S33? 1 BROUGHT MY D34DLY C4N3 SWORD 4ND COOL CO1N 4ND 3V3RYTH1NG VRISKA: Yes, I can see that. So you've come for revenge, then. VRISKA: I thought we settled all this a long time ago? TEREZI: NO, NOT R3V3NG3. JUST1C3! >:] TEREZI: FOR TH3 D3SP1C4BL3 MURD3RS OF OUR 1NNOC3NT FR13NDS! VRISKA: Murders? Like, plural? TEREZI: VR1SK4, PL34S3. DO NOT TRY TO D3NY 1T. 1 FOUND TH3 3V1D3NC3 TEREZI: T4VROS, N3P3T4... 3V3N G4MZ33!!! 1 M34N R34LLY VR1SK4. G4MZ33?! TEREZI: >:o[ VRISKA: Gamzee isn't dead, you dope! VRISKA: He flipped out or something and now... VRISKA: Well, yeah ok. There was like........ VRISKA: ONE murder I was responsi8le for. VRISKA: You know Tavros? That was me. VRISKA: I guess. TEREZI: ... VRISKA: 8ut that's it! He's the only one I killed, just that one guy! TEREZI: >:\ FACEPALM x3 COMBO! pap TEREZI: W3 BOTH KNOW YOU C4N'T B34T J4CK TEREZI: 4LL TH4T W1LL H4PP3N 1S TH4T YOU W1LL L34D H1M H3R3 4ND H3 W1LL K1LL US 4LL TEREZI: H3 W1LL FOLLOW YOUR SUG4RY P1X13 TR41L W1TH H1S K33N C4N1N3 SNOUT TEREZI: 1 H4V3 4LR34DY S33N TH1S CONS3QU3NC3 1N MY M1NDS 3Y3 VRISKA: Fascin8ting! Why don't you tell me your terms already?? VRISKA: Forget my pixie trail. At this r8, my snoring will lead him to us! VRISKA: Lol. TEREZI: WH4T 1 PROPOS3 1S S1MPL3 TEREZI: 1 FL1P TEREZI: H34DS, YOU ST4Y TEREZI: SCR4TCH, YOU GO VRISKA: You're kidding, right? You want LUCK to decide this? VRISKA: May8e you forgot who you're dealing with. I am the Thief of Light. VRISKA: You really expect me to lose a simple COIN FLIP? VRISKA: I've got AAAAAAAALLLLLLLL THE LUCK, remem8er? >:::) TEREZI: 1 D1D NOT FORG3T TEREZI: WH4T W1LL 1T B3, M4RQU1S3? VRISKA: ........ VRISKA: Just flip the fucking coin, Neophyte. * Sources: * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005660 - [S] Flip. * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/storyfiles/hs2/03757/03757.swf * Generated by scripts and humans - corrections welcome! * http://readmspa.org/transcripts