* Transcript: "Serious Business: further fedorafreak reports" * Permalink: http://readmspa.org/transcripts/6_004818.txt :: gardenGnostic :: PESTERLOG : EB: jade!!! EB: are you ok? EB: what happened??? EB: blarrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!! [PESTER] SERIOUS BUSINESS f fedoraFreak - ??:?? p.s. - they are all rumpled and unsightly, unfortunately. f fedoraFreak - ??:?? storing unimbibed urine in rumpled, unsightly fedora. f fedoraFreak - ??:?? filters adequately, remains yellow, unpalatable. f fedoraFreak - ??:?? jury rigged makeshift urine filtration system utilizing serveral gorgeous silk socks, stretched like drum over opne mailbox [SYSTEM] * Sources: * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=004818 - John: Pester Jade. * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/storyfiles/hs2/02917_2.gif * Generated by scripts and humans - corrections welcome! * http://readmspa.org/transcripts