* Transcript: "Dave and Terezi swap cartoons" * Permalink: http://readmspa.org/transcripts/6_004642.txt 1 C4NT F1GUR3 OUT HOW TO US3 TH3 COMPUR3RS! !!! BLUH WH3N W1LL TH3 COOL3ST K1D COM3 4ND T4K3 US 4LL TO SCHOOL?? ?? ??? @ Internet BLUH SCHOLASTIC A FIRST DISCOVERY BOOK w3ll t1m3 to sp4z out on top of th1s sh1tty br1ck w4ll from 4 googl3 1m4g3 s34rch w1th th3s3 fuck1ng w4t3rm4rks 4ll ov3r 1t d4mn nobody 1s st34l1ng th1s 1m4g3 or 4nyth1ng ©©©©©... 4nd do som3 oth3r bullsh1t 1 usu4lly do l1k3 b31ng w31rdly hyp3r4ct1v3 4nd fl1rty 4ll th3 t1m3 41nt surpr1s1ng nobody w1th 4ny of th1s nons3ns3. sh1t. th4t bus sm3lls l1ke d4ffod1ls or som3th1ng. memesplode FUCK TH3RE'S PR3TTY MUCH NO W4Y 1M NOT G3TT1NG OFF ON TH1S SOM3HOW * Sources: * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=004642 - Dave: Answer. * Generated by scripts and humans - corrections welcome! * http://readmspa.org/transcripts