* Transcript: "Plush Rump website" * Permalink: http://readmspa.org/transcripts/6_002360.txt PLUSH RUMP PUPPETS PUPPETS PUPPETS GALLERY | LIVE VIDEO | MARIONETTE | BUNRAKU | PLUSH | FOAM FELT | MAROTTE | SENOR WENCES | CHINFACE | FINGER PUPPET PUPPET CAMS GO ON THE FREE TOUR!! For all the fuzzy, fluffy, frolicksome fun you can stomach and more... PayPal DISCOVER VISA MasterCard American Express LIVE PUPPET CHAT 24/7 *** softass joined #plushrump foamfiend: hi softass /quivers foam proboscis @ softass 1 implegsakimbo: bet theres a lot of give to that ass softass: bounce a coin off it. its not going anywhere foamfiend: yeah bet that coin'll take a good nap there * Sources: * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=002360 - Dave: Mouse over the orange stripe containing PlushRump. * http://www.mspaintadventures.com/storyfiles/hs2/00460_2.gif * Generated by scripts and humans - corrections welcome! * http://readmspa.org/transcripts