Set reading options

Show one panel of the comic at a time, and attempt to make the best use of your screen space on a typical landscape screen with the browser full-screened.

These seven on/off options can be used to refine the presentation. Go back when you're done. (You may need to reload to apply your changes.)

Move between pages if you press a cursor/paging key when there's nothing more to scroll. In practice this means you can just keep hitting e.g. 'Page Down', rather than finding and clicking links to proceed. When the story briefly branches (such as with Doc Scratch's photo piles, or the character select screens), navigation goes through the pages in the order they were published - you won't skip anything (other than easter eggs.) Also to prevent accidents, navigation is disabled on pages containing a Flash that itself uses the cursor keys, like a walkthrough.
Automatically open logs for reading, instead of making you click them open.
Parts of the story containing languages other than English (specifically, Morse code and the troll language Alternian) can be clicked for translations.
Include on the page some parts of the story that you would otherwise have to click out to. (Examples: the WV intro sequences, YouTube movie clips and images being discussed in pesterlogs.) Full web pages are too tricky to embed, so you'll still have to click out for those. This option is meant to complement the navigation option.
Include on the page transcripts of text from images or Flashes if they are a sufficiently important part of the narrative. (Examples: conversations and interactions from walkthroughs, lines spoken by characters during regular Flashes..)
Resize images and Flashes to use all available horizontal space (rather than honor the fixed size layout of the original); also increase font sizes. A few Flashes only work at their original dimensions, so those won't get resized.
Present the individual 'panels' of a page (each image, Flash, text description / log) one at a time, and style them so that they fill up the screen nicely at typical resolutions when used in combination with other modes.

Reset the options to their defaults.