
[S] Make her pay.

This is a readmspa.org storyboard for 02577.swf, as featured on Homestuck page 004478: [S] Make her pay..

The scenes in this storyboard currently lack text descriptions. If you want to you could help me to add them.

Shrink loading logo and fade to
Fade to
Cut to white then fade to
Fade to
Fade via white to
Fade background to red
Fade to
Fade background behind mind control to
Fade to
Fade to
Fade to
Fade to
Fade to
Fade via white to
Fade to
Lens flare then fade to
Fade to
Cut to white then fade to
Fade to
Cut to blue then fade to
Fade to
Fade to
Flare white and cut to
Fade to
Fade via white to
Fade to
Fade to dream
Fade in feet
Fade from dream to
Zoom up on Terezi and fade out feet
Fade to dream
Fade out Terezi
Fade to
Cut to white then fade to
Fade to
Narrow field of view and fade to
Flicker in and out of dream to
Fade via white to
Cut to white then fade to
Cut to white then red then fade to
While narrowing field of view and juddering, fade via red to
Fade via black to
Fade to dream
Fade to black and pause
Fade to
Fade to
Fade to
Fade via white to
Pan down and right to
Fade to
Fade to
Fade to
Fade to
Fade to white and pan left to
Cut to white then fade to
Fade to
Cut to white then fade to
Fade to
Fade to
Cut to white then fade to
Fade to
Fade via orange-red to
Fade to dream
Fade via black to